Monday, February 28, 2011

GREY BOUQUET WANTS YOU...r stuffed animals

One of the things it's been tough to get across these past few weeks is the sheer amount of stuff that's been shifting around, now that a recent revision to the picture book includes hints of, gasp, an overall PLOTLINE for Grey Bouquet, with beginnings and middles and ends and conflict and other such luxuries that just plain weren't there in the original write-up.

So along with redoing old designs in time for a long-needed pin restock, doing the same for one of the greeting cards, and getting ducks in proverbial rows towards a total website revamp that'll be way easier to navigate, there's been the matter of stapling on a bunch of subplots to the GBQ beast at large, then going through every few tries and ripping off the ones that don't seem to be working so good. If you've seen the movie "Akira": kinda like dealing with that big mutating gore baby at the end, only with fewer organ systems the size of apartment blocks puffing out of nowhere involved. Lots of erasing, though. And the amount of screaming's about the same. :(

One of these subplots that does hold up through every scratch-out and rewrite is the part where Riddlyn is somewhat of an insane-sounding plush collector (only really, she's not. Really). She single-handedly (flipperedly?) runs the Velveteen Underground, as she calls it-- her rescue mission, roaming the Afterworld for orphaned stuffed toys that had a kid know they were real for long enough for their sentience to stick around after all the humans went away. Only Riddlyn can hear them, but she's determined to gather them all together and make sure they know somebody else-- even if it's only her-- knows they're real, too.

What does this mean? Only that it's time for a CASTING CALL!


That's right. Have you ever had a stuffed animal you knew was real? Want to give 'em a bit of well-deserved immortality? If so, go ahead and send us your best description of what your faithful stuffie looked/looks like (photos are a-okay, too!), and they just might show up in the Grey Bouquet universe.

Name: Pink Dinosaur
Likes long walks on the beach (though prefers to be carried), PB&J crusts, and giving rides to the very small. (Doesn't mind when the not-so-small give it a try, either.)
All limbs intact-- spent a long, loooong time in a basement.
Defender of smelly kids.
Superhero at heart.

[Note: it's just one example. Be as matter-of-fact or descriptive as you want.]

Send all stuffed star-search hopefuls on over to greybq AT gmail DOT com . (Remember to replace the @ and .! Thanks for helping us keep spambots off our tail.)

Now unfortunately, I can't promise any monetary reward with this. In fact, I'll be honest: this is pretty much a donation call for Velveteen Underground stand-ins. I can't track everyone down and pay them royalties if an old friend of yours gets picked to show up in the book or the comic pages.

But hey, if you were lucky enough to have somebody in your life that stuck with you thick and thin, overstuffed or raggedy, rubbed-off buttons or no, here's your chance to let this pre-apocalypse world know how awesome they are!

Monday, February 21, 2011

snow dayyyy


There. My work here is done.

(...And I so wish I could show off the stuff I'm putting together for the picture book, 'cause nothing looks impressive like somebody saying "no, really, I swear I haven't been a total slacker lately" without anything else to show for it, am I right?) o_x


This is a placeholder post. It will be replaced in the wee hours of Monday becoming Tuesday.

Due to the newest "I left for five minutes. WHERE did this foot and a half of snow come from" we here in MN were so kindly donated, your humble doodle wrangler got chased off the apartment grounds today so they could plow it, and Lee and Lisa's apartment got snowed in too (remember them? The ones who do Godseeker? You should go read their stuff). Ergo, no access to a scanner before I had to dash over to work. I get back from the office at 11:30pmish, so it'll be fixed sometime soon after then. Just figured y'all should know in the meantime.

So don't worry. I still like you all.

Except for the atmosphere. You're a jerk. The rest of you are cool.

Monday, February 14, 2011


not much to show for it this week

but see?



Oh, and the Etsy shop's been restocked. Happy Half Price Chocolate Eve, y'alls.

Monday, February 7, 2011

and there's something about a ball, I think

In celebration of that quaint human custom of gathering once a year to order pizza and watch a bunch of commercials, we are proud to present: BUTTON LINK ADS! Swap 'em, trade 'em, collect 'em all! ...which is really easy to do, 'cause they're all here on this one page.

You can choose your favorite size, and the html coding to copy/paste it should be right under each image.

PS, for those who've mentioned the right-side menu is cutting off the right side of the pictures in the blog: like all those other times, you'll probably have to click on the image to see the whole banner link pic. Not sure why that cropping issue keeps happening to a lot of you. I'd love to learn how to fix that particular bit of unpleasantness, if anyone happens to know.






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